Monday, December 29, 2008

Direct Mail - The Recession/Depression Beater

Recent statistics and surveys show that electronic media, print media, and even email marketing are seeing greatly decreased ROI. What are the two forms of advertising that thriving in this recession/depression? Durable advertising and direct mail. Multi-stream marketers have noticed an uptick in their direct mail response rates. Prospects have become jaded at electronic advertising, they tune out radio and TV ads a few seconds in, they filter online advertising, and their spam filters stop even legitimate email from their vendors. Because of this trend people are reading their snail mail again, and the best way to guarantee that a direct mail piece will get opened and not trashed is to include a durable advertising product. Postcards and #10 envelopes get a quick scan before the can but lumpy mail always gets opened. You can even forgo the envelope and mail durable advertising items like Frisbees and waters bottle with your message front and center. Lumpy mail easily doubles your response rate. So whether you are looking for instant sales, web traffic, or lead generation durable advertising and direct mail are a powerful combo. Some of our favorite durable items for mailing are at but for best results call or email us to discuss your target market and your message/goals.

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